Icons by painters from Linotopi (16th-17th century). New information on their activity

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Post-Byzantine period 1570-1670 mural painting panel painting Linotopi Kastoria Ioannina Museum Veria Konitsa
Αναστασία ΤΟΥΡΤΑ

The article examines a series of portable works which have been painted by painters from Linotopi, who are most often attested in mural paintings. These works are housed in different museums, four of them are in the Museum of Ioannina and originate, two despotic icons and a pair of bema doors from the monastery of Makryalexi and the painted epistylion from a church at Koukouli of Zagori, two of them are now in the Collection of Veria, an icon of Saint George and a pair of bema doors from a church at Palatitsi, while three more, the despotic icons of the Virgin, the Pantokrator and Saint Nicholaus with vita scenes are still in the church of Saint Nicholaus at Kleidonia in Konitsa. These portable works showcase their intense activity to that kind too parallel to the fresco painting which started from 1570 and lasted about a century.


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