Un épitaphios brodé du 1672 au Mmusée Byzantin

Published: Jan 11, 1999
Post-Byzantine period 1672 embroidered epitaphios iconography Descent from the Cross Lamentation Cretan painting donor (?) Manolis Embroidery Workshop Constantinople

An Embroidered Epitaphios οf 1672 in the Byzantine Musem of Athens

The embroidered epitaphios from the collection of the Byzantine Museum (BM 7047) depicts two scenes; at the background the Descent from the Cross and at the foreground the Lamentation. Underneath the larnax in the Lamentation scene where the body of Christ rests, there is an inscription including part of a chant, which is sang on a Good Friday, the year 1672 and the name of a certain Manolis, who could either be the artisan or the donor of the epitaphios. The iconographic analysis of each scene reveals that their prototypes come from Cretan painting. The Lamentation scene repeats its 16th and 17th century popular format, while that for the Descent is based on a recreation of the 17th century after an engraving of Marcantonio Raimondi. As regards its composition the epitaphios is a unique case study, as the quality of the embroidery, certain technical details and the theological meaning that connects the two scenes bespeak a renowned workshop, probably from Constantinople.


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