Zur Motivgeschichte des s-Mahles auf sarkophagen, katakomben und byzantinischen Handschriften

Published: Feb 3, 2016
roman banquet sarcophagi catacombs funeral meals last supper
Elisabeth PANELI

The representations of meal guests situated around a table in the form of the letter S (the so-called stibadium meals) were very popular in Roman art, especially in sarcophagi with hunting scenes. This iconographic motif passed in early Christian art without crucial changes, especially on sarcophagi and wall-paintings in Roman catacombs. However, there are certain slight differences to be observed in the latter, mainly regarding the number and gender of the participants. The funeral meals actually taking place in the Roman catacombs were most probably the source of inspiration for the representations of the so-called stibadium meals. Besides, this iconographic motif can also be found in other art forms, 6th-century mosaics and silver vessels. Finally, there are only few depictions of the Last Supper in Byzantine miniatures and wall paintings in which such an S-form table can be found.

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