Christianizing island communities in the Eastern Aegean. The case of Ikaria

Published: Feb 3, 2016
Late antiquity 5th century 6th century inscriptions Christianization Oracle of Apollo Jews cult of the Archangels bishopric of Ikaria bishop Schοlastikios Ikaria ancient Oinoe

This paper focuses on the archaeological and epigraphical evidence regarding the transition to Christianity on the island of Ikaria in Late Antiquity. It also presents two unpublished Christian inscriptions from the site ‘Taxiarchis’ at Miliopo, which attest to a so far unknown bishop named Sholastikios and the cult of Archangel Michael in the late 5th/6th century. Considered in comparison with the rest of the available evidence, this material offers new insights into the relations between different religious groups on the island as well as the mechanisms of Christianization on a local and wider level.

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