Trésor monétaire inédit provenant de Priolithos de Kalavryta (Achaie, Péloponnèse)


The treasury of the monastery of Hagia Lavra at Kalavryta preserves ten Early Byzantine coins inside a bronze wine jug. The find constitutes a hoard discovered in 1977 at the site “Kokkori” by the village Priolithos (formerly Syrbani), 15 km northwest of Kalavryta. The hoard was handed in 2007 to the monastery of the Hagia Lavra by Avgerinos Dimitrakopoulos, an inhabitant of Priolithos. The present paper will examine the contents of the hoard, as well as the date of the metal vessel con- taining it, in order to evaluate its significance in relation to the settlement where it was found, as well as within the context of the period when it was deposited.

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