Do you remember your first drama lesson? Critical Incident methodologies for future practice

Published: Dec 21, 2023
Critical Incidents reflection and reflexivity drama education practice
Robin Pascoe

Reading accounts of the summer camps for drama education organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network reminded me of an early inciting incident in my own drama teaching: working as an intern on a summer camp for children from remote and regional Western Australia while I was a student at university. In reflecting on the experience, I thought it important to do more than indulge in an exercise in nostalgia. In my current work as a semi-retired teacher at Murdoch University, I work with students on Critical Incident methodology. This article merges reflection and reflexivity as a process of personal professional growth.

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Author Biography
Robin Pascoe, Honorary Fellow, School of Health and Education, Murdoch University. Immediate Past President IDEA

Robin Pascoe is an Honorary Fellow, College of Health and Education, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. From 2002 to 2019 he was Senior Lecturer Arts and Drama Education in the School of Education at Murdoch University. Robin held leadership positions in the Western Australian Department of Education, DramaWest and the National Association for Drama in Education (NADIE) (now, Drama Australia) and as chair of the National Affiliation of Arts Educators (NAAE). He was President of IDEA, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (2013–2020) and is now Immediate Past President. As President of IDEA, he was also chair of the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE). He presents and publishes internationally on arts and drama education.