Έμφυλο συνταξιοδοτικό χάσμα: η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας

Published: Jun 24, 2022
Αντουανέττα Καπέλλα
∆ανάη Κωνσταντινίδου
Μενέλαος Θεοδωρουλάκης

The article examines the main drivers of the gender pension gap according to the relevant literature and analyses the gender pension gap in Greece. The analysis reveals that, given that the different retirement provisions between men and women have now been eliminated, the impact of the pension system on the gender pension gap in Greece has been significantly reduced. However, the pension system fails to absorb the gender differences that prevail in the labour market and, as a result, these are the determining factors of the gender pension gap. The characteristics of women’s employment in Greece are often linked to the unequal distribution of caring responsibilities between men and women and the social norms and stereotypes, while the new forms of employment that have emerged over recent decades, along with the recent introduction of a supplementary pension fund, constitute new challenges for the future gender pension gap. It is noted that the article is largely based on the findings of the research team of the Greek National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) that participated in the project “Addressing the gender pension gap in Greece - PEGASUS”.

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