Preschoolers Measuring area by covering surface with auxiliary means

Published: Dec 1, 2017
measuring area interpretive framework
Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Crisanthi Skoumbourdi)
Δήμητρα Παπαϊωάννου-Στραβολαίμου (Dimitra Papaioannou- Stravolaimou)

The spontaneous engagement of children with informal measurement is common in kindergarten classes. Apart from spontaneous measurement activities it is important for the kindergarten program to include planned measurement activities. Such activities can create interesting mathematical discussion which can guide children in a precise way to the basic characteristics of measurement. Based on the interpretive framework (Cobb, 2007) for learning mathematics, it was assumed that if meaningful planned activities would be conducted in such way as to engage children in discussion, different reasoning would emerge which could be reformed through the mathematical discussion with the researcher and the other students, and that through this interaction the mathematical classroom practice can be created.

In this article, the intervention about measurement that took place in a kindergarten classroom by covering a surface using auxiliary means is described. Three research questions were addressed: 1) Have kindergarten children the ability to cover systematically a surface with discrete material and count it? 2)Can kindergarten children perceive the inverse relationship that characterizes the size of the unit and the number of units in a measurement? 3) Have kindergarten children the capability to cover a surface with continuous material? The participation in addressing researcher’s concerns, through the work in groups and through the presentation of their construction led to the interaction  between the kindergartners and the researcher, to the creation of mathematical discussion as well as to the expression of different solutions. From the results it seemed that the kindergarten children were able to cover a surface with discrete material as well as, that the inverse relationship which characterizes the size of the unit and the number of the units in a specifi c measurement, deemed to be perceived by some kindergarten children. The type of the means and the quality of the involvement in the activity, together with other factors, such as working in groups and the mathematical discussion that has been created, might formed the key factors that helped young children to realize the measurement activity.

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Author Biographies
Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Crisanthi Skoumbourdi), University of Aegean
Ass. Professor
Δήμητρα Παπαϊωάννου-Στραβολαίμου (Dimitra Papaioannou- Stravolaimou), University of Aegean
Kindrgarten Teacher
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