Published: Oct 8, 2018
counting board enumeration conservation subitizing verbal problems decomposition of numbers parents kindergarten teachers
Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi)

In small ages the children usually function with auxiliary means and representations in order to support the abstract mathematic concepts that are taught to them. One teaching aid that might be used towards this end is the counting board. Its use for calculations includes the handling this manipulative through the movement of beads, the visualization of its structure, but it can also lead to the abstractive thought through its picture that the user can maintain in his mind. In this paper we studied kindergartners (5 years) ability in mathematical activities with the use of the counting board and we examined through a questionnaire the relative views of their parents as well as of kindergarten teachers.

The mathematical activities that were given included (a) enumeration, (b) conservation, (c) subitizing and matching quantities; recognition of symbols (1-6), (d) simple addition and subtraction word problems as well as (e) construction of number partners.

It was found that the counting board helped kindergartner s correspond in such activities as also that this auxiliary mean was familiar so much in the parents of the children as in kindergarten teachers. Indeed, it was available and was used in most the children 's houses, but also in the kindergartens. The observation and recording of particularities of kindergartner s in the handling of counting board led to a proposal for designing of a more functional assembled counting board.

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Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi), University of the Aegean
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