Published: Oct 8, 2018
quality alternative teaching practices parents' support support for mathematics
Βαρβάρα Γεωργιάδου - Καμπουρίδου (Barbara Georgiadou - Kabouridis)
Μαριάννα Μπατζακλή (Marianna Mpartzakli)
This study refers to a research project concerning quality in education. It examines the collaboration between teachers and parents, which is considered to be one of the factors that contribute to the qualitative education. Particularly, the ways in which the parents of Yl pupils came into contact with the classroom teacher's practices are presented and the impact of this experience on the parents ' practices of supporting their children in mathematics at home is investigated. The ways were: a) informal conversations with the teacher at school, b) afternoon lab meetings organized by the teacher for parents and children at school. We distinguished two categories regarding the parents' supporting methods: a) parents who supported their children alongside the teacher's teaching practices and b) parents who used their own supporting methods as well as those compatible with the teacher's. The parents recognized the positive influence of the alternative teaching methods on children's understanding ofmathematical concepts by supporting their learning through activity.
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Author Biographies
Βαρβάρα Γεωργιάδου - Καμπουρίδου (Barbara Georgiadou - Kabouridis), University of Patras
MSc, MPhil
Μαριάννα Μπατζακλή (Marianna Mpartzakli), University of Patras
Post Graduate Student
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