Published: Oct 8, 2018
Mathematics School Family Systemic
Έλενα Καρκαζή (Elena Karkazi)
Κώστας Νικολαντωνάκης (Kostas Nikolantonakis)

Passing from a person centered worldview in a systemic-approach that high­ lights the concept of complexity, we were called in a different perception of the meeting of a teaching object (Mathematics), a family and a school: nothing any­ more, is out of field. All sides 'participate' in maintaining a problem. The teacher is no more 'neutral' protagonist than is a member or the members of a family. Thus, in each case, teacher asked to analyze, synthesize and reconstruct each reference. Even those that refer to his/her own concepts and emotions. So, ele­ ments which have become limiting in the landscape of family-school interactions can regain dynamic and become carriers of different developments.

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Author Biographies
Έλενα Καρκαζή (Elena Karkazi), Institute of Systemic Approach & Family Therapy
Clinical psychologist
Κώστας Νικολαντωνάκης (Kostas Nikolantonakis), University of Western Macedonia
Associate Professor
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