Published: Oct 8, 2018
ppoblem solving verbal reproduction visual representation individual differences
Στυλιανή Tσεσμελή (Styliani Tsesmeli)
Βασιλική Λιάπη (Vasiliki Liapi)
Μαρία Χιονίδου-Μοσκοφόγλου (Maria Chionidou - Moskofoglou)

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of verbal rewording and visual representations on mathematical problem solving on a sample of 57 students who follow the last three years of a primary school. Students of every class were assessed on two mathematical tasks which were given within a week, as fol­ lows: (i) children had to solve mathematical problems as presented in school books, (ii) children had to solve the same math problems after either verbally reworded or visually represented. Findings showed that students improved their performance on math problem solving considerably only after the use of verbal rewording, but the qualitative analysis showed that there were also differences in students' answers after the use of visual representations. Further analysis of the data, showed that the effects of verbal rewording and visual representa­ tions assist students of various abilities, but the improvement was higher for the group of students with higher mathematical abilities, based on standard­ ized maths measurements. These findings are important for the development of alternative teaching strategies for maths in relation to individual differences of students in the context of the school class.

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Author Biography
Μαρία Χιονίδου-Μοσκοφόγλου (Maria Chionidou - Moskofoglou), University of the Aegean
Associate Professor
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