Published: Oct 25, 2018
learning approach mathematics secondary education indicators
Μαρία Μπεμπένη (Maria Bempeni)
Μαρία Καλδρυμίδου (Maria Kaldrymidou)
Ξένια Βαμβακούση (Xenia Vamvakousi)
It is widely acknowledged that there are individual differences in the way students approach the learning process, and that these are reflected in the learning outcomes. Little research has been done from the learning approaches perspective regarding mathematics learning. We report an exploratory study investigating the features of the deep approach to mathematics learning. We present the case study of two exceptionally competent students who participated in an in-depth interview. Indicators of the deep learning approach along the categories Goals, Study/Learning strategies, Self-regulation aspects, and Motivation are presented as they emerged by adapting and enriching our previous instrument. These findings can be employed in the design of instruments to be used in quantitative research
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Author Biographies
Μαρία Μπεμπένη (Maria Bempeni), University of Ioannina
PhD student
Μαρία Καλδρυμίδου (Maria Kaldrymidou), University of Ioannina
Ξένια Βαμβακούση (Xenia Vamvakousi), University of Ioannina
Assistant Professor
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