Published: Jun 14, 2021
Early algebra Documentational Approach to Didactics digital resources operational invariants teacher professional development eXpresser
Σωτήριος Κατσομήτρος (Sotirios Katsomitros)
Γεώργιος Ψυχάρης (Giorgios Psycharis)

In this paper we study the didactical design and practice of a primary school teacher (i.e. Eleni) through the use of the Documentational Approach to Didactics. The study took place in the context of the PREMaTT project focusing on the collaborative design of resources of a group of primary and secondary teachers for the teaching of algebra in their classrooms through the process of design-implementation–reflection. At the same time, the discussions of the professional development meetings of the group were analysed in order to identify possible influences on Eleni’s design and practice as well as indications of her professional learning. The analysis revealed that the main issues emerging in these meetings, such as the notion of variable and its introduction in classroom teaching, influenced Eleni’s documentational work inside and outside the classroom and brought to the fore the complexity of issues involved in the teaching and learning of algebra through the use of digital technologies. The results also revealed indications of Eleni’s professional learning in relation to the teaching and learning of algebra in the primary education.   

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Author Biographies
Σωτήριος Κατσομήτρος (Sotirios Katsomitros), NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS

Post graduate student


Associate Professor

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