Published: Sep 17, 2019
everyday mathematical knowledge mathematical play early childhood education mathematizing
Μαρία Τσιούλη (Tsiouli Maria)
Μαρία Παπανδρέου (Maria Papandreou)
Research has shown that play is a favorable context for investigating the range of children’s informal mathematical knowledge, as into their play activities they bring and use different kinds of experience and knowledge which they appropriate by participating in various everyday activities. A growing interest is also observed recently for further mathematical learning based on children’s family and cultural knowledge through mathematizing elements of their play. For the implementation of this pedagogical perspective, a specific kind of children’s engagement with mathematical ideas, the ‘mathematical play’, is of particular interest, issue that has not been systematically researched. The present paper focuses on the features of mathematical play incidents identified during a resent research in a kindergarten, which sought to investigate children’s everyday mathematical knowledge as it was expressed  during six weeks in their free choice activities. Based on these findings we demonstrate the children’s intense interest on various mathematical topics. ‘Playing’ with mathematical ideas and interacting with their peers the children elaborated and extended their mathematical knowledge, while the emergence of these incidents seems to be related to specific play activities based on various topics of their everyday life. Findings are discussed, and implications are proposed for everyday practice in early childhood classrooms and further research on this issue.
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Assis. Professor
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