Published: Jun 14, 2021
Professional development Community of Practice Mathematics
Αντωνία Πετρίδου (Antonia Petridou)

The present study aims to examine the potentials for primary teachers’ professional development in  teaching Mathematics in the context of a Community of Practice constituted and operated during the school year 2017-2018 in an experimental school in Northern Greece. In the Community of Practice under consideration 10 teachers and two researchers of Mathematics Education participated. Wenger’s theory of  Community of Practice was used for the study of this particular ‘case’. The results show that the collaboration of the teachers with the researchers and the teacher-researcher, who operated as facilitator in the field, promoted teachers’ reflection, gave answers to problems and teaching dilemmas that teachers were facing every day while teaching Mathematics and generally brought out the potentials of elementary teachers for professional development in Mathematics  in the context of the Community of Practice.

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  • Young Researchers
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Author Biography
Αντωνία Πετρίδου (Antonia Petridou), Democritus University of Thrace

Teacher of 1st  Experimental School of Alexandoupolis

MEd in Education

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