Development of mobile augmented reality digital games to develop infants' spatial ability using a map

Published: Dec 18, 2023
Dimitrios Markouzis

Orientation and movement in space are crucial for humans. People move daily in known and unknown routes in which they use spatial information either by recalling it from their memory or by decoding verbal instructions or symbolic means, e.g. maps. The development of infants' spatial capacity has important positive effects for their cognitive development in general and their future performance in STEAM. Furthermore, one of the cutting-edge technologies used by mobile devices is the augmented reality (AR), which utilizes the automatic finding of the users’ location by displaying personalized information on the screen of their device according to their options (e.g. moving in space). In the present study, two research didactic interventions based on the map and AR for mobile devices are presented. The aim of the interventions is to investigate the effect of their use on the development of the spatial ability of infants. The results are encouraging and show that properly designed applications can help infants to develop spatial thinking, map reading and use

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