Is mobile learning "sustainable"? Bibliographic overview of the use of portable learning devices in environmental education for sustainability

Published: Dec 31, 2022
mobile learning devices environmental education for sustainability students interventional programs systematic literature review
Georgios Moutsinas
Angeliki Karamatsouki
Charalampos Karagiannidis

In the context of the rapid introduction of innovative technologies in teaching practice, the usage of mobile devices emerges as a particularly promising pedagogical approach that essentially directs apprentices toward the trajectory of sustainable development. Therefore, this work attempts a systematic literature review in the field of the introduction of portable learning devices in environmental education for sustainability. Five empirical studies published during the period 2017-2020 were reviewed, which were searched, screened and analyzed adhering to rigorously prescribed criteria, after having browsed 43 international scientific databases and accessed 86 pertinent references. According to the main conclusions of the paper, the scrutinized electronic tools were used in teaching in combination with software applications and quick response codes technology, following multisensory, student-centered and collaborative approaches. For the most part, the pedagogical usage of mobile devices has led to the improvement of students’ ecological knowledge and sustainable attitudes, as well as of their contact with nature. Comparably, the focus of the trainees on the instructional process, the value they attributed to it, and their learning self-sufficiency and amusement were strengthened. Notably, knowledge, attitudes and learning enjoyment were more advanced in younger learners, whereas female students demonstrated a lead in sensitized attitudes. The results of the review exhibit the comprehensive support of learners based on portable technological resources, whilst ensuring students’ thorough delving into the notion of sustainability.

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Author Biography
Georgios Moutsinas, Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program "Education for Sustainability and the Environment"

graduate student; European University Cyprus; School of Arts & Education Sciences

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