Εκπαιδευτικοί Οργανισμοί Μάθησης για την αναζήτηση της αειφορίας

Χριστίνα Νομικού

Sustainability and Sustainable Development were introduced as the most appropriate solutions to address the environmental, social and economic challenges that emerged as a result of the choices, values, ​​and institutions of the Ιndustrial Αge. Various organizations can contribute to the transition towards sustainability when they operate as Learning Organizations (LOs). This is due to the adoption of a dynamic learning process of self-questioning and searching for new knowledge and practices. One of the main aims of ESD is to form people-citizens politically literate and able to reflect towards a political change. Therefore, there is a need to implement a learning strategy aiming at a modification of the personal and collective worldviews. To achieve this, people need to be politically literate having the ability to think how the circumstances of the environment would change. Educational LOs can build the learning that will facilitate the shift towards sustainability as they do not target a predetermined outcome; they are not locked in the sterile relaying of knowledge and the reproduction of social models. Contratywise, educational LOs legalize debates, antinomy, and subversion of discredited conservative structures and valued frameworks, supporting learners to seek sustainability by interacting with local socio-cultural conditions deconstructing everything conventional.

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