Teachers' perspectives on the adoption of a Chatbot in the teaching and learning process

George Dimitriadis
Konstantinos Koskinas

Chatbots are programs that, with respect to the principles of Artificial Intelligence, have the ability to engage in a conversation either through the use of text messages or through oral speech and offer services such as assisting program users, guiding web visitors, customer service, product advertising, or even answering questions about a specific subject matter. Considering the usefulness and proven benefits of Chatbots in numerous areas of daily life, a careful study, regarding the utilization / adoption of Chatbots in the teaching/learning process, is necessary. The introduction of Chatbots in the field of education, attributing to them the role of a teacher assistant who, on the one hand, will be available 24/7 to the students, supporting the learning process and answering their questions and, on the other hand, improving the working conditions of teachers, offering them more free time and the opportunity to add more quality features to their teaching work, constitutes a great challenge. In that context, the results of a relative research are presented, where teachers in secondary education after having tested Chatbots at a pilot stage, express their opinions.

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