Supporting and educating children with visual impairments at school and home

Aikaterini Pasxou
Κωνσταντίνος Μαστροθανάσης

This paper addresses the treatment and management of children with visual impairments in school and at home, focusing on the need for customized strategies that enhance education, development, and daily life for these children. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the various forms of visual impairment to develop an open and accessible educational environment, as well as examines the challenges faced by children with visual impairments and their impact on learning, social interactions, and independence. It highlights the need to create an inclusive school environment where educators adopt tailored teaching methods, utilizing technology to make learning accessible and simultaneously enhancing students' social inclusion. The importance of technological aids and tools that allow students with vision problems to access education and be independent is discussed. Finally, the need for adjustments in curricula and teaching to meet the learning style and needs of the students is showcased. It suggests supporting transition and independence through design and strategies that encourage autonomy and school-family collaboration. The role of families in creating a supportive environment for children with vision problems, providing encouragement, and emotional support, is also emphasized.

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