Secondary education teachers' burn out and stress: the case of West Thessaloniki Prefecture

Published: Nov 9, 2017
teachers’ occupational stress teachers’ burnout
Αθανάσιος Σπυρομήτρος
Γεώργιος Ιορδανίδης

The teacher’s profession doesn’t only consist of educational and academic process that takes place in the classroom. The interaction of many factors (bureaucratic-procedural aspects, educational changes, relations in communication) constitute a working environment that creates occupational stress. Prolonged exposure to this environment leads to the appearance of teachers’ burnout syndrome. The aim of the present study was to locate the levels and sources of teachers’ occupational stress and teachers’ burnout. Furthermore, the study tried to examine possible correlations between the basic sources of teachers’ occupational stress and the dimensions of teachers’ burnout. The sample consisted of 211 secondary public school teachers of West Thessaloniki region. The results of the research indicated that the teachers experience medium levels of occupational stress. At the same time, they expressed low levels at all dimensions of teachers’ burnout syndrome. Furthermore, women showed relatively higher levels of stress than men, in all aspects, while teachers’ burnout had a positive statistically significant correlation with all the sources of teachers’ stress as it concerns the factor of emotional exhaustion. Finally, it became clear that there is an obvious correlation between personal and social-working factors and the presence of burnout, which confirms its basic explanatory model.

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Αθανάσιος Σπυρομήτρος
Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ11




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