The suggestions kindergarteners make about environmental issues: The case of wasting electricity

Published: Mar 26, 2018
energy kindergarten students mental models conceptions social constructivism
Ιφιγένεια Ηλιοπούλου

The issue of energy and its use constitutes a crucial contemporary issue with social, environmental and economic impacts. School education should play a key role in achieving energy saving towards a sustainable way of living. This study aimed at exploring the kindergarteners’ thoughts, identifying their concepts and mental models, on collective and personal ways of energy saving, and also, at exploring how these mental models might be interrelated. Twenty seven 6-year-olds attending two state schools located in Volos, a small provincial town in Greece, participated in the research. The content analysis of the data collected through interviews conducted with the aid of photographs and other visual means, indicates that two mental models held by young children appear to dominate: one that orientates to the short-term addressing of the energy waste and  one that orientates to the prevention of the problem and relates to preventive actions. Moreover, the research indicates that these two kinds of thinking are related. Finally, implications for education are also discussed in this paper.

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