Τhe teachers talk about parents' unconscious desires for their child

Published: Nov 1, 2021
unconscious desire child family teachers
Γεώργιος Κουντουράς
Δέσποινα Γεννησαριώτου

The aim of this project is to highlight a child’s position into the unconscious desires of their parents. The child –as an object- is pointed out among the significant values that constitute the real subject of their parents. The endangerement lies on the fact that the child is expected to perform as what can only be defined as a function of these significant values of their parents, in a vain attempt to be identified as a separate person. This study is based on qualitative methodology and more specifically, the data was collected through focus groups. The population of the survey is consisted of three teams of pre-school and primary education teachers. There are five teachers of lower primary school grades in the first team, five early childhood educators in the second team and three nursery attendants in the third team. Everyone taking part in the survey have at least five years of service at state schools and in this way, through their experience and contact with their students and the parents of their students, they meet the objectives of this survey. The data analysis was carried out according to the grounded theory. The key matters were effortlessly highlighted throughout the studying of the data. According to the results of the survey, parents are likely to identify their own value with their children’s performance and therefore put pressure on them, awaiting for their own unfulfilled wishes to be realized. This attitude on behalf of parents causes confusion and anxiety to children who, while they are struggling to become independent, they become the objects of their parents’ narcissistic behavior.

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Γεώργιος Κουντουράς, Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Εργασίας Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης
Διδάσκκών 407/80 Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης
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