Published: Jul 1, 2014
bullying victimisation children school prevention programs
Χάρης Ασημόπουλος (Harhs Ashmopoulos)
Bullying at school can be defined as a situation involving intentional, unprovoked, systematic and repeated violent and aggressive behaviour meant to exert coercion and oppression, and to inflict pain, either physical or psychological, upon other students, in and outside the school setting. Bullying is a complex psychosocial phenomenon occurring over time and worldwide, a fact that makes bullying one of the most serious school-related problems. Bullying is a psychosocial phenomenon with multiple causes. It has been shown that its development is associated with a dynamic interaction between individual and environmental factors: individual and personal characteristics, family and home environment, different aspects of school environment and social factors. Bullying affects in various, important and decisive ways the psychosocial status, development and growth of children, and impacts not only the victims, the bullies and the bullies-victims, but also the bystanders. Physical, emotional and social effects should be identified and addressed in a timely manner; otherwise the prognosis is very poor. Τhe problem has followed an upward trend in Greece during the last years. The prevalence of the problem is considerable; therefore it deserves attention and action by systematic prevention programs.
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