Published: Jul 1, 2014
empathy puppetry conflict
Μάγδα Βίτσου (Magda Vitsou)
In this paper we will present the results of an educational research which was implemented during the 2012-13 school year in the Kindergarten school of Mikrothives- Magnesia- from November 2012 to May 2013. The main goal was to manage the various conflicts arising at the kindergarten environment during the interaction of children with the puppets. The methodological tools we used were participant observation, interviews of children before and after each puppet interaction and the virtual representations of children after each application. The children at the end of the implementation of the program through forming identities and through their bond with the puppets and the stories, were able to feel the others, to respect those who are different, to adopt a loving attitude and become more supportive and sensitive in relation to their attitude at the beginning of the school year. The growth of pro-social behavior, such as sharing, assistance, caring and compassionate expression was promoted. The puppets functioned as a means of making the kids familiar with the techniques of puppetry and generally of enhancing the children's interest in puppetry. It was proved, then, that the dramatization of stories using puppets diversified their usual activities in the kindergarten and offered the children, "cultural tools" in the world of fantasy.
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