Published: Jul 1, 2014
family drawings roles and functions of family members interpersonal relationships self-image
Άρτεμις Γιώτσα
Ελευθερία Μητρογιώργου (Eleftheria Mhtrogiorgou)
The present research was conducted in order to study the family representations of children aged between 4 and 6.5 years old through their drawings. The sample included twenty family drawings of ten children. Half of the participants came from nuclear families and the rest came from extended families. Every participant drew two kinds of drawings: (1) the static family drawing and (2) the kinetic family drawing. According to the results, in a 30% of the static family drawings the participants drew their own families. Another 30% showed an ideal family (the children include some of their families’ members and not all of them). Also the 40% chose to draw an imaginary family (e.g. animal or tree family).Concerning the size of the drawn figures, in the 30% of the drawings the biggest figure is the maternal and in the 45% the paternal. This fact can be connected with the emotional closeness among children and fathers. The good communication and the interaction with the father is also obvious through the place that the participants chose for the self-figure. More specifically, only 10% of the participants placed the self-figure next to the maternal figure in the kinetic family drawings. In contrary the 30% placed the self-figure next to the paternal figure. We can observe that the self-figure is differently placed in the static family drawings. The majority of the children (80%) put the self-figure next to the maternal figure. It may result from the modern way of living and the different roles in the modern familial systems, where the mother may be employed and the father has to take responsibilities which were traditionally under mother’s consideration.
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