Published: Jul 1, 2014
School Based Prevention Programs personal and social skills programs social emotional learning programs character education programs
Νάντια Κουρμούση (Nandia Kourmousi)
Mental health is an essential prerequisite for the healthy development of the societies. Its promotion at the school environment can be supported by the implementation of intervention programs. Mental health promotion programs include several categories: a) Prevention Programs that were mainly taught after the second half of the 20th century, b) Skills Development Programs that were developed in the late 70s, c) Social and Emotional Learning Programs that predominated the field after 1990 and d) –according to some researchers- Character Education Programs that were officially supported from 2000 onwards. This categorization is directly related to the teaching method these programs would adopt, and also to the objectives of the educational system of their time. But they also reflect the social and political context of their era, since each kind is deeply influenced by the prevailing theories of learning and personality development.
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