Published: Jul 1, 2014
kindergarten emotions digital games
Μαρία Κρικλάνη (Maria Kriklani)
Ναταλία Τζοβάρα (Natalia Tzavara)
Μαρία Τσαπάρα (Maria Tsapara)
Μιχάλης Μεϊμάρης (Michalis Meimaris)
Δημήτρης Γκούσκος (Dimitris Gkouskos)
Emotions in kindergarten play a very important role in the teaching process. One of the basic goals is the recognition and the management of emotions from kindergarten students, as well as the cultivation of empathy. The current essay presents a complete teaching intervention that took place in a full day kindergarten class, the goal of which was the emotional development of the children that were involved. The central idea of the teaching scenario is to enable the children to engage themselves in digital games that include activities of recognition and choice of feelings, the identification of pictures with the same facial expressions and generally activities that lead to reflection in order to help the child show emotion and express themselves. In the beginning, there was use of analog material for games and essays involving the class team, followed by engagement in three online digital games. In the end there was evaluation of the children’s performance and of the teaching material. One basic parameter which is worth further discussion as far as the use of digital material and the independence of children is concerned, is the fact that in this particular intervention children were engaged in digital games and expressed themselves in various ways while the instructions were given in the English language with very little guidance.
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