Published: Jul 1, 2014
intercultural competence kindergarten case study persona doll project approach
Κώστας Μάγος (Kostas Magos)
Ελένη Τριανταφυλλίδη (Eleni Triantafilidi)
The intercultural competence is one of the main social competences which every person should have. This competence focuses in the effective handling of otherness aiming to the harmonic co-existance among the members of a multicultural society. The development of intercultural competence should starts from the early childhood and the role both of the kindergarten and the family is very important in this process. The article presents a case study in order to research the effectiveness of the kindergarten-family cooperation in the development of intercultural competence. The research focuses on the development of intercultural sensitization concerning the ethnic and cultural “other” coming from Africa. According to the research findings the kindergarten-family cooperation has very positive effects in the field of intercultural sensitization.
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