Published: Jul 1, 2014
positive touch infant massage children´s development.
Στρατούλα Μάντζιου (Stratoula Mantziou)
Γεωργία Αχνούλα (Georgia Ahnoula)
Βασιλική Καραβίδα (Vasiliki Karavida)
This study examines the fundamental and critical importance of healthy, nurturing human touch to the physical, mental/emotional, social/behavioral development and well-being in infants and children (Underdown, 2009). Using the skin and human touch as the bridge between the child’s inner and outer worlds, we emphasize at the various aspects of children´s development through the prism of touch (Fogel-Schneider & Patterson, 2010). We refer to medical research data and current findings on the psycho-physiological aspects of touch and emphasize in infant´s massage which seems to be one of the easiest, cost effective early intervention that enhances all the critical elements of secure types of attachment, as eye-to-eye and skin-to-skin contact, cuddling and soothing communicative musicality between mother-infant (Beebe, 1982˙Mantziou et al., 2012).
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