Published: Jul 1, 2014
bullying interventional program management of emotions groups configuration cooperation
Διονύσιος Μεσσάρης (Dionysios Messaris)
Μαρκέλλα Παραμυθιώτου (Markella Paramythiotou)
Αγγελική Θάνου (Aggeliki Thanou)
Μίλτος Σακελλαρίου (Miltos Sakellariou)
Ευγενία Φοράδη (Eugenia Foradi)
Ρόζα Φρέρη (Roza Freri)
Βασιλική Παπατσίμπα (Vasiliki Papatsimpa)
Νατάσσα Πάντζιου (Natassa Pantziou)
School violence and bullying among students mostly from 8 to 15 years old has made its presence felt in Greece as well, since living conditions both social and economic, like in all modern societies have altered traditional values and institutions. Bullying is a social phenomenon that concerns the entire team in which it appears and affects seriously the school progress as well as the mental health of those involved. The role of school is determining, since its primary aim, apart from knowledge transmission, is to reassure that children have a normal pchycological and social development, as it consists an important natural environment for children by creating the frame for the prevention and the confrontation of this kind of problems both on time and effectively (Tsiantis, Ι., 2010) In the past school year we confronted the phenomenon of school violence and bullying in our nursery school a fact that proves that this phenomenon concerns eventually all educational levels. In this frame, an imperative need has arisen to plan a complete programme adapted to the needs of preschool age and to the needs of our class since there wasn’t anything similar in the bibliography, to implement it and assess its application as well as its results (when completed).
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Βασιλική Παπατσίμπα (Vasiliki Papatsimpa)
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