Published: Jul 1, 2014
mental retardation social relationship game self determination peer culture
Γιώργος Μπάρμπας (Giorgos Mparmpas)
Ελένη Γκιργκινούδη (Eleni Gkirgkinoudi)
The pursuit of the social integration of children with mental retardation shows forth, as a crucial matter, their relationship with their peers. These children, even from pre-school age, are exempted from the games of their peers, they do not interact with them and they fall short of the skills which are related with the self determination ability. These characteristics are related with the cognitive limitations of their retardation and with the quality of their. The present work underlies an action research-study of case of a child with mental retardation in kindergarten- to develop the social skills needed for his integration in the relationships of his peers. It was resulted that the child developed skills in team games and in his communication with his peers, a fact which proves the importance of an effective pedagogical support.
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