Published: Jul 1, 2014
emotion regulation unpleasant emotions social competence social-emotional learning
Ειρήνη Παπαδημητρίου (Irini Papadimitriou)
The main aim of the present study, which is an educational action research project, was the evaluation of the possible effect of a social-emotional learning program (“Steps for Life”) on the enhancement of emotion regulation of negative emotions (fear, anger, sadness) and on social competence of a group of kindergarten pupils. Data analysis following the program implementation suggested that the children of the intervention group showed significant improvement in the recognition of unpleasant emotions (fear, anger, sadness), concerning others and themselves, as well as improvement in the choice of constructive coping skills, concerning themselves. Furthermore, the research results showed an improvement in social competence skills of the children in the intervention group after the program implementation.
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