Published: Jul 1, 2014
Early Childhood Education Individual and social development kindergarten children ideal model inspectors
Σταματία Παπαδημητρίου (Stamatia Papadimitriou)
The Kindergarten children’ “ideal model” conception is related to a systematic research of its history. Considering this, I am going to present the data concerning the characteristics of “ideal model”, based on the inspector’s reports’ content (Prefecture of Thesprotia, 1945-1982). My paper attempts to answer the following questions: Was the “ideal model” modified overtime, during the period of 1945-1982? What kind of knowledge, skills and attitudes should the children include throughout their daily practice at the kindergarten, in terms of the “ideal model”? What are the factors related, that influence and alter the perceived children’ standard behavior in specific historical moments? Is there any relation among the several variations of children’ socialization forms in terms of “ideal models” and educational, social, political events etc? Based on these questions, Ι have submitted the content of the reports to systematic examination using the technique of qualitative content analysis. Then, Ι have attempted to interpret the findings which have come up, by associating them with the respective educational, ideological, political and economic conditions.
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