Published: Jul 1, 2014
self-esteem social skills counseling psychology
Αθανασία Τάνια Παπανικολάου (Athanasia Tania Papanikolaou)
Νέλλη Φλωρεντίν (Nelli Florentin)
Βασιλική Πλιόγκου
The purpose of this study was to explore the educators’ beliefs regarding the self esteem and social skills of students who have been diagnosed with a learning disability. Moreover, the perceptions of educators about their role in counseling intervention were investigated. The questionnaire that was used for the data collection consisted of questions and the sample were eighty teachers of the Pella country, who have taught students with a learning disability. Concluding this summary, it is important to note that according to the results obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires, educators seem to believe that students with learning disabilities have low self-esteem and deficits in their social skills. Finally, the educators consider the presence of school psychologists at the Greek public schools as well as their own participation in the counseling intervention, necessary.
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