Published: Jul 1, 2014
parents social – emotional development life skills kindergarten
Σοφία Σαΐτη (Sofia Saiti)
Μαρίνα Μπέση (Marina Mpesi)
The purpose of this presentation is to investigate the parental views from the implementation of “STEPS FOR LIFE” annual project, of personal and social skills development for kindergarten in school year 2012-13. The sample constitutes of the parents of children of preschool age in kindergarten of Preveza and Thesprotia. For data collection an open questionnaire was used and content analysis followed. The research has shown that the parents have become aware of positive changes on the behaviors of their children and the management of their emotions. Also, they have detected changes to their own attitudes about the upbringing of their children, as well as to the relations and communication within the family. Their views about the importance of kindergarten have strengthened more and also about the role of the teachers to the education of their children. Finally, they have highlighted the necessity and the effectiveness of the particular project, due to the systematic learning process and their own substantial participation in the educational progress.
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