Published: Jul 1, 2014
citizenship rawls theory of justice kindergarten
Μαρίνα Σουνόγλου (Marina Sounoglou)
Αικατερίνη Μιχαλοπούλου (Aikaterini Mihalopoulou)
This paper examines through the " Theory of Justice " by John Rawls the meaning of citizenship in the light of justice and curriculum kindergarten 2011 with methodological content analysis and examines its implications in education and prospects in kindergarten. The results show that the schools should play a central role in the cultivation of democratic consultation process, the problem-solving discussion and democratic participation within a liberal framework that leaves people free to develop their personality and to form their own conditions of their lives based on their own choices and according to Rawls emphasize the fairness of the procedure and equity in results.
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