Published: Jul 1, 2014
emotional quota self-efficacy
Χριστίνα Τάσση (Christina Tassi)
Αικατερίνη Παπασπύρου (Aikaterini Papaspyrou)
Σπυρίδων-Γεώργιος Σούλης
Αλεξάνδρα Γεωργίου (Alexandra Georgiou)
In recent years it seems to be increasing more and more the interest in the scientific community about what is happening with the emotional skills of teachers, who are required to teach effectively underage students. Various researches indicate that teachers’ effectiveness is influenced by their the emotional quota. In the context of the above, a research was carried out in order to investigate the role of emotional quota in special educators’ self-efficacy. It was attempted to be found the considerations that he/she makes regarding the value of his/her skills in the effort to achieve the intended pedagogical goals. The research findings can be used during the training of preschool special Educators in order to train more effectively people with disabilities.
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