Published: Jul 1, 2014
co-operative school animation team creation in kindergarten sociometry
Ιωάννα Τριάντου (Ioanna Triantou)
Βασίλειος Πασχάλης
In recent years, school follows modern teaching practices that differ entirely from the practices of traditional school. In this context activities which aren’t based on traditional frontal teaching methods, but on the philosophy of “Co-operative school”, are gaining ground daily. According to this philosophy, the dynamics of the team and the co-operation of students is the basic ingredient for an effectual teaching activity, and not just the educator. Social skills invaluable for social and emotional development, such as collective responsibility, the assistance of team members and the deposition of personal skills available to the team's success, develop through group processes. Animation is a form of art, which besides offering unlimited potential for development of creativity and cognitive skills is also an adequate instrument for team creation in kindergarten. Naturally developed for teamwork, since the methodology of creating a film is based on working groups, and characterized by attractiveness, expressive possibilities and each student’s attendance in the process it becomes a very important cohesive tool of groups of kindergarten. This paper will delineate the working groups’ creation process, utilizing sociometry, aiming in the participation of students in an animation film production. The educational objective was students’ understanding of the necessity of co-working in the context of a team as well as their occupation with animation as a form of art.
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