Published: Jul 1, 2014
common education special education disability sensitization
Ζωή Χαρούμενου (Zoi Charoumenou)
Σπυρίδων-Γεώργιος Σούλης (Spyridon-Georgios Soulis)
Τhe last years in the field of special education prevails the perception of the students’ common education with and without disability. For the common education is not enough the educational programs to be adapted in the individual needs of children with and without disability. It is also important to be created climate that will encourage the interaction each other. From early age the children know the resemblances and differences between people. As it results from various researches the attitudes towards the individuals with disability are determined by the relative stereotypes of social environment. In the kindergarten is necessary the planning and the application of experiential activities, that will give the possibility to children of knowing people with disability. Objective of present inquiring effort is presented the change of preschoolers towards the disability via their participation in relative program of sensitization. At first, with the presentation of pictures was detected the preexisting knowledge of children for infirmity. Afterwards the children had the occasion via the experiential activities to approach the difficulties that face the individuals with disability and to propose ways with which we can help them. In the end, developing the interview was recorded the change of attitude toward disability. Summarizing, the acquaintance and sensitization of children for the individuals with disability constitute a proposal that contributes in the acceptance in the frame of idea for the creation of “school for all”.
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