Handling environmental problems in literary books of Greek authors written during 1999-2008 for readers aged 4-10 years

Published: Jul 1, 2011
environment environmental problem handling understanding action
Σεβαστή Ματθαίου (Sevasti Matthaiou)
This dissertation studies children’s books which were written by Greek authors for children aged 4-10 years and were published during 1999-2008 and which deal with environmental issues. The aim of this dissertation is to trace the ways with which the authors structure the issue of handling environmental problems. For the accomplishment of this objective, the texts of the children’s books were analyzed regarding the issue of handling. Handling environmental problems was considered within five themeparameters: the ways of handling environmental problems, the people who act for handling environmental problems, the alternative suggestions for handling those problems, the consequences of each such alternative suggestion and the results of the handling. The results of the analysis showed that the structure of handling environmental problems was based on deficiency, one-dimensional perspective and misunderstanding. Consequently, the comprehension of the
ways of handling environmental problems may be hindered and the possible readers may be led consecutively to cancellations and passivity towards environmental problems.
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