Children with disabilities in the Greek cinema

Published: Jul 1, 2009
childhood disability Greek cinema models of disability
Χρήστος Μαρινάκης (Christos Marinakis)
In this article research is presented on the portrayal of children with disabilities in Greek films from 1950 to 2007 focusing on the models of disability represented. A thematical analysis of the films' contents was used in order to investigate the different models. In very few films were children with disabilities represented. During the «old Greek cinema» period, children with a disability were represented merely as sick who needed to be cured. During the «new Greek cinema» period, films depicted the feelings and problems that disability caused to the children s families, relative and friends. Finally in a film of the «contemporary Greek cinema» period, disability is balanced with special capacities (such as music), following the example of many international films
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