Researching Children's Art: Systematic observations of artistic skills of young children

Published: Jul 1, 2003
child art artistic skills-preschool age qualitative research in art
Κατερίνα Ματεζόφσκυ-Νικόλτσου (Katerina Matozefski-Nikoltsou)
When researching children's art, there are several ways in which we may look at their art work, their drawings and paintings as well as their craft constructions. This paper presents four ways that are commonly used: 1. Psychoanalytical, 2. Behavioral, 3. Developmental and 4. Artistic-visual. Also, methods and tools of research for children's art are presented, especially those needed for researching the art of preschool children. There is an historical reference which cites the research and studies done by experts in the field, such as Howard Gardner, Eliot Eisner, Ellen Winner
and others. Reasons are given for the need for qualitative research with systematic observations of the artistic and creative skills of preschool children. Three methods of observation are presented: 1) direct, 2) participant-observer, and 3) indirect observations. Emphasis is placed on the need for ethnographic, holistic and natural «on-site» research in the area of young children's art and creative activities.
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