Στρατηγικές αναγνώρισης λογότυπων από παιδιά προσχολικής και πρώτης σχολικής ηλικίας και εκμάθηση της ανάγνωσης: Ερευνητικά δεδομένα και διδακτικές προεκτάσεις

Μαρία Σφυρόερα (Maria Sfyroera)
Δ. Χαραλαμπίδου (D. Haralampidou)

This study examines the strategies used by preschoolers and first grade students in order to «read» or recognize environmental print such as brand names as well as the factors (context, letter font and type, task
type, Greek vs. Latin characters) that dictate the choice of these strategies. It further studies the transition from a recognition that is based on the context of print words to a graphophonemic reading process. 75 students are first asked to «read» 24 environmental words and then to detect errors in 18 environmental words, each presented in 4 different forms. Findings show that students differentiate their strategies on the basis of the above factors: the greater the originality of the brand name, the more likely it is to activate the strategy of total identification. By contrast, non-original brand names tend to reinforce analytical strategies, especially in error detection tasks. The ability to recognize the whole brand name does not in itself facilitate the transition to analytical, i.e. graphophonemic, strategies. Rather, this transition presupposes that the systematic learning of reading has begun. Finally, these findings are also discussed with regard to the potential and the limitations in the classroom use of brand names during the first stages of reading acquisition.

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