Σχέση της κινητικής ευχέρειας και της κινητικής ευελιξίας κατά την εκτέλεση δημιουργικής κίνησης

Αγγελική Τσαπακίδου (Aggeliki Tsapakidou)
Ε. Ζαχοπούλου (E. Zachopoulou)
Β. Αλεξίου (B. Alexiou)
Θ. Τσομπανάκη (Th. Tsompanaki)

The criterion measures of motor creativity are motor fluency and motor flexibility. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between these two criterion measures. 84 preschool children participated in the experimental procedure. The two parameters of motor creativity, during the execution of locomotor skills and manipulative skills, were assessed using the Divergent movement ability test and the data were correlated using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results revealed statistically significant correlation between motor fluency and flexibility in each movement task of the test, and for motor fluency between the two movement tasks. Children, who executed many different motor responses, had also the ability to produce motor solutions with different quality due to the activation of divergent and creative thinking. Physical education lesson can be a unique implement for development of creativity, through the application of an appropriate teaching procedure, with basic goal the learning activation of the children.

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