Κοινωνικοπολιτισμικό ηλαίσιο και κοινωνιομετρικές επιλογές παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας

Κωνσταντίνος Μπίκος (Konstantinos Mpikos)
Researchers, based on the sociocultural factor, tried to investigate if different models of social relationships are formed among nursery school children. By interviewing classes from an urban, a semi-urban and a rural origin (N = 76) the sociometric choices were gathered. The study of the structure of the social relations showed that the class from the urban origin presented significantly higher cohesiveness, a thing owed to the fact that for the city children nursery school is the first and, most of the times, the only social integration environment. Analysis of the attributions of the choices showed also the influence of the sociocultural environment: country children consider «propinquity» more frequently as a criterion for the choice of companion / playmate than city children. In fact for the latter «propinquity» it seems not to play any role at all.

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