Σχέση Παραγόντων Ψυχοκινητικής Ανάπτυξης και Γραφοκινητικών Ικανοτήτων στην Προσχολική Ηλικία

Α. Καμπάς (A. Kampas)
Ε. Κιουμουρτζόγλου (E. Kioumourtzoglou)
Ν. Αγγελούσης (N. Aggelousis)
Γ. Μαυρομάτης (G. Mavromatis)
The relationship between the psychomotor abilities (dynamic balance, reaction speed, movement speed, aiming, body scheme and muscular tone) and the graphomotor abilities (wrist-fingers dexterity, wrist movement frequency and hand movement stability) was studied. Ninety three children between 4 and 6 years old (Mean=5.04 years), were divided into an experimental (Nl=46) and a control group (N2=47), after the first measurement took place. The experimental group practiced basic fine and gross motor skills for 30 units of 3540 minutes each. The results of the correspondence analysis revealed that practice improved both the psychomotor and the graphomotor ability. It was so concluded that any improvement of the psychomotor abilities might result to the significant improvement of the graphomotor ability.
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