Η Παιδική Ζήλια

Α. Καραθανάση-Κατσαούνου (A. Karathanasi-Katsaounou)
The aim of this study is to contribute to the better understanding of infantile jealousy. Infantile jealousy can be defined as a negative feeling caused by emotional deprivation. Our survey was conducted among the mothers of children at school or pre-school age, who filled out a questionnaire. According to the findings of our survey: Infantile jealousy is a feeling most common to all children. However, the first born are more jealous than all the others. The way that parents prepare their children in order to welcome the new born has a lot to do with the development and the process of this feeling. The rank of order as well as the gender of the child exerts influence on the causes and the symptoms of infantile jealousy. Finally, our results suggest that there is a negative correlation between SES and the symptoms of jealousy.
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