Reflective teaching in Preschool Education

Published: Jul 1, 2007
Reflective teaching Preschool Education models of good teaching
Κατερίνα Μιχαλοπούλου (Katerina Michalopoulou)

Since Donald Schön elaborated, the concept of reflective practice has become so familiar and over-used that its meaning also has become confused. The paper tries to make the terms and frames of references explicit. In particular, the questionnaire distributed to pre-school teachers in the region of Thessaly aimed at investigating the following issues: the views of pre-school teachers regarding the role of communicative ability, talent, subject knowledge and the knowledge of various theories on learning and teaching, the connection between the effectiveness of teaching and the preschool teacher's personality, the children and their level, learning fields, teaching and learning goals and teaching methods, faithful adherence to or deviation from the curriculum, the view according to which the pre-school teacher is also a researcher, the connection between theory and practice.

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